New Beginning Way of the Cross Church
Welcome HOME!

...And the Lord added to the church daily, such as should be saved. --Acts 2:47
Welcome to New Beginning Way of The Cross on the world wide web. We pray our website will serve as a tool to share the great news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We extend an invitation to you, your family and friends to come and worship with us at any of our upcoming services.
Our Vision Statement:
We, the New Beginning Way of The Cross Church Family, endeavor to win new souls to the kingdom of God; edify and elevate the Church body through the preaching and teaching of God's uncompromising Word, and to utilize the spiritual gifts within the body of Christ; bringing this Church Ministry to a higher level of excellence, here on earth, until His return. Worship, Evangelism, Ministry, Discipleship, and Fellowship - This Is Our Purpose.
